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Help: my shopping cart is not updating

Your shopping cart doesn't update
This problem is caused by your browser's settings (honest!). Your browser is blocking so-called 'cookies' and because of this, your 'session number' (i.e. your shopping cart's unique number) cannot be 'remembered' by your own computer. A cookie ensures that the website knows which unique shopping cart is yours. No personal data is stored here. The information for the cookie is sent and received over a secure connection. It is therefore best to see a cookie as a shopping cart or shopping basket as you also need in the supermarket to be able to take several products with you at the same time. The use of this cookie for your 123-3D.ie order is therefore 100% safe and reliable. To solve the problem please read the instructions relating to your specific browser type in the sections below:
Internet Explorer:

1. Go to the Tools menu in Internet Explorer and select Internet Options
2. Click the Privacy tab
3. Make sure that the Settings slider is not higher than Normal. You can also adjust the settings manually via Advanced settings.
4. Click OK


1. Go to the Start button in Windows and click on Control Panel
2. Select Internet Options
3. Click on the Privacy tab
4. Make sure that the Settings slider is not higher than Normal. You can also manually adjust the settings via Advanced settings.
5. Click OK
Firefox version 3.x for Windows:

1. Go to tools and click on options
2. Click Privacy at the top
3. Select the option "Use custom settings for history"
4. Make sure the option "Accept cookies from websites" is checked.
5. Click OK

Firefox version 2.x for Windows:

1. Go to tools and click on options
2. Click Privacy at the top
3. Select the option "Use custom settings for history"
4. Make sure the option "Accept cookies from websites" is checked.
5. Click OK
Firefox for Mac:

1. Open Firefox from the drop-down list and click Preferences
2. Click on Privacy
3. Select the option "Use custom settings for history". 
4. Make sure the option "Accept cookies from websites" is checked.
5. Click OK
Chrome for Windows:

1. Go to tools menu
2. Select Options
3. Click the Advanced Options tab
4. Under Privacy click Content Settings
5. Make sure the option "Allow data to be set locally" is checked.
Chrome for Mac:

1. In the menu bar go to Chrome and click on Preferences
2. Click on the Advanced options tab
3. Under Privacy click on Content settings
4. Make sure the option "Allow data to be set locally" is checked.

1. Open Safari from the drop-down list and click Preferences
2. Click Security at the top
3. Make sure that "Only from sites I visit" is selected under Accept cookies.

If you still experience problems on our website, you can always contact us.
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